Air Quality Professionals Forum — 2024 Fall Luncheon
October 10, 2024, The luncheon was held on the beautiful campus of National Instruments located just off of MOPAC. Sarah Chambliss, Postdoctoral Fellow at Dell Medical School gave the presentation.
CAF Panel Discussion
August 22, 2024, CAF hosted a Panel Discussion. The topic was trees and how they interact with city pollution. The meeting was held at the Beautiful LCRA Red Bud Center.
Spring 2023 Clean Air Force Newsletter
In this issue: “May is National Bike Month” and “Clean Air Force Honored by TCEQ.”
Winter 2022 Clean Air Force Newsletter
What’s happening at the Clean Air Force of Central Texas? Catch up with our current activities and programs!
Report on National Air Quality Trends
This EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) webpage provides Air Quality Trends on each type of air pollution.
Austin-Round Rock Ozone History
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality looks back at Ozone compliance in the Austin-Round Rock metro area, covering from 1997 to the current time.
Report on National PM2.5 Trends
National and regional Particulate Matter (2.5) level trends from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Does Air Pollution Impact Birds?
Watch an informative webinar on the impact of air pollution on birds presented by Audubon Texas and the Clean Air Force of Central Texas.
Winter 2023 Clean Air Force Newsletter
In this issue: “School of Sustainability is in Session” and “Will 2023 Air Quality be like 2022?.”
Fall 2022 Clean Air Force Newsletter
In this issue: “Place an Air Sensor at Your Child’s School” and “Positive Action will Reduce Negative Air Quality.”
Summer 2022 Clean Air Force Newsletter
In this issue: “Meet our new Clean Air Partners” and “Can Solar Power Save the World?”
Spring 2022 Clean Air Force Newsletter
What’s happening at the Clean Air Force of Central Texas? Catch up with our current activities and programs!
Air Quality Report
This statewide report from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) provides current Ozone averages for the current month. All Texas metro areas are covered.
Report on National Ozone Trends
This EPA webpage focuses specifically on Ozone, but provides links to Air Pollution trends as well.